在加拿大移民局官方颁布的Application package–Quebec-selected skilled workers中Document Checklist IMM 5690第三页,第15项中关于Police Certificates and Clearances,清楚的写到:
You must get a police certificate from each country or territory where you lived for six or more months in a row since the age of 18. You are strongly encouraged to submit your police certificate with your application to the CIO. If you are unable to obtain all the necessary police certificates, you may still send your application to the CIO without them. However, we strongly recommend that you take steps to obtain your police certificates now to avoid future delays. You must be ready to submit them when requested by an officer.
关于 如何在魁省蒙特利尔做无犯罪记录?请点我阅览
在加拿大移民局官方颁布的Application package–Quebec-selected skilled workers中Document Checklist IMM 5690第三页,第15项中关于Police Certificates and Clearances,清楚的写到:
You must get a police certificate from each country or territory where you lived for six or more months in a row since the age of 18. You are strongly encouraged to submit your police certificate with your application to the CIO. If you are unable to obtain all the necessary police certificates, you may still send your application to the CIO without them. However, we strongly recommend that you take steps to obtain your police certificates now to avoid future delays. You must be ready to submit them when requested by an officer.
关于 如何在魁省蒙特利尔做无犯罪记录?请点我阅览